The Belagaavi district unit had a public event on Monday, 20th August at Kannada Sahiyta Bhavan, Belagaavi, as a preparation for the NHA3 Karnataka event to be organised at Bangalore on 16th September.
The initiative was taken by JAGRUT MAHILA OKKUTA (JMO) and made a presentation about the action-research study that they had done on issues related to antenatal, natal and postnatal expenses and entitlements. After the study was presented Mr Dilip Kamat, trade union worker and Ms Deshpande, advocate, gave their feed back on the presentation. Sri Shivaji Kagnekar also was present. Taluk Health Officer of Belagaavi made also a brief presentation. Dr Dabade gave an outline of Alma Ata declaration and the process of meet in Bangalore followed by meet in Raipur and Dhaka subsequently.
The event was covered in media and please find the report from Prajavani.
Subsequently a memorandum was presented to the Deputy Commissioner, Belgaavi.
Also ‘Drug Action Forum – Karnataka’ bulletin “SANJIVEENI” was distributed among the participants.