Register for the National Health Assembly (September 22-23, 2018)
JSA is planning its Third National Health Assembly (NHA) in Raipur, on September 22-23. The NHA is also part of the mobilisation towards the 4th People’s Health Assembly in Dhaka on 15-19 November. The Assembly aims to address the urgent need to defend public systems and prevent the rampant privatisation of public services, including in healthcare. We expect about 1500 activists from across India to be in Raipur for two days. We are looking at the NHA to build the capacity of activists and plan a challenge to current policies. Registration: We welcome participants from state JSA units, JSA Network units, as well as other individuals not formally affiliated to JSA. The registration fee for such individual participants is Rs.500 (JSA state units and affiliated organizations will register through the state JSAs/organizations). Individuals who wish to participate click here. Note: Individuals need to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. The organisers can guide in only finding suitable accommodation. We will circulate and upload on the website contact information about nearby hotels and guest houses where accommodation can be booked at reasonable rates. You can also contact for any other information.