The Third World Network (TWN), Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) Guwahati and Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA) are organising a five-day workshop on ACCESS TO MEDICINES, TRIPS AND PATENTS IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD.
Date- 20 to 24 April, 2020
Venue- Guwahati, Assam .
This workshop is expected to deepen the understanding of the intricate linkage between access to medicines and the barriers presented by intellectual property legal and policy framework. It will also help in increasing the knowledge on use of flexibilities provided by international trade agreements such as the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), to improve access to medicines at a domestic level. The workshop also aims to equip the participants to make law and policy interventions. To participate in the workshop, it is necessary to send the filled in application form on or before 20 March, 2020.
CLICK HERE to fill the application form
For any further information, contact-
Saral Kumar: 011-40521773